Friday, October 2, 2015

"Go Slow and Look Ahead" - Rubik's Practice

To go slow and look ahead is considered to be a dogmatic rule in speed solving rubik's 3x3. How can you get fast times if you go slow? Well, this means that as a beginner you need to turn the cube slow or in such a way that you can "see" the next F2L pair that you will insert.

Feliks' method of tracking F2L pieces is like this: he is looking for the next pair before inserting the current pair. This is better if you can perform the F2L algorithm without thinking or by means of muscle memory. As you improved on your look ahead, try to increase the speed or tps.

If you want to be good in speed solving, then follow Feliks' advice. You must learn to turn the cube slow at first. As shown on this video, 10.77 sec average is slow turning! Try to increase speed while maintaining look ahead.

It is well known that Feliks has reached more than twelve tps. The question is: Is he applying the look ahead rule in his solves? How can he look ahead in such a very fast turning? Therefore the lesson that we can learn from this video is:

"Go fast and look ahead"

Here is the video for the slow turning demo:

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